Psychometric assessments

Used correctly, psychometric assessments are proven to be one of the best predictors of future job performance. 

Gain a greater understanding of an individual's key personality traits and behaviours.

Success in many roles requires not just particular skills, knowledge or previous experience, your aptitude or intelligence level. Equally important can be your values, behaviours and motivations. How you like to approach work, what motivates and excites you. These are often described as personality traits.

There are two types of psychometric assessments. Aptitude or ability tests, such as verbal or numerical reasoning tests, assess your ability or intelligence.

Personality assessments are designed to assess your attitudes, values, and behaviours and place you on a scale. For example, are you more outgoing or reserved, are you more creative or task-focused?

Tazio works with the leading psychometric assessment providers Saville Assessment, Hogan and Artic Shores and has integrated their aptitude tests and personality questionnaires into our platform.

Psychometric testing is a great way to increase your understanding of a person and more effectively predict how they might perform in a particular role. The insights you gain can also be used to determine skills gaps, culture fit, and compatibility with the demands of the job.

Benefits of psychometric assessments

  • Valuable insight into individual's behaviours
  • Personality tests help with cultural fit
  • Check key traits for individual roles
  • Easily compare candidates' results
  • A more holistic view of skills and potential
  • A clear understanding of soft skills like problem-solving and critical thinking

Psychometric assessments available

  • Abstract reasoning
  • Diagrammatic reasoning
  • Numerical & verbal reasoning
  • Mechanical reasoning
  • Error checking
  • Personality and aptitude tests available from partners including Hogan and Saville

Are you interested in psychometric assessments?

Speak to one of our consultants about using psychometric assessments and find out how Tazio can unleash the potential in your organisation.