
We believe what you pay should be directly linked to the value you gain from working with Tazio.

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What your investment looks like

Working with Tazio is an investment. We will lower your recruitment costs, improve efficiency, and deliver greater productivity that typically produces a return on investment of at least five to seven times.  

We offer two simple and transparent pricing options:

Pay as you go

The first is a simple pay as you go model where we invoice you monthly for your usage in the previous month. This is a great way to start when your usage is unknown or irregular. It also ensures your costs are directly linked to the value you're receiving.

Annual licence

This offers the best value for money if you have a good idea of your expected usage, typically how many candidates or employees you will be assessing. This model guarantees your costs upfront and makes budgeting easier. It also eliminates the risk of unexpected expenses if your campaigns prove more successful than anticipated.

Whichever pricing model you choose, you can rest assured that your cost savings and efficiency gains will far outweigh our costs.

Ready to get a quote? 

Get in touch to discuss how much working with Tazio will cost you and see the potential savings and return on investment you will achieve.